What is NACE MR0175 acceptance criteria for HIC / NACE TM0284?

Understanding ANSI/NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 Requirements for HIC Resistant Carbon and Low Alloy Steels

If you’re looking to ensure your carbon steels and low alloy steels are HIC resistant, it’s important to understand the requirements of ANSI/NACE MR0175/ISO 15156. At OGC Energy, we have the expertise to assist you in confirming HIC resistance and meeting NACE MR0175 compliance.

NACE TM0284 Testing Standards for HIC Resistance

To confirm HIC resistance, NACE TM0284 testing standards are used. Our team at OGC Energy provides checklists to ensure compliance with NACE MR0175 and highlights changes made to the 2016 revision of NACE TM0284. We’re available to provide corrosion consultations in oil and gas.

Clarifying Acceptance Criteria for HIC Testing in ISO 15156-2

If you have questions about the acceptance criteria for HIC testing in ISO 15156-2, specifically regarding the application of the acceptance criteria for single sections, average per specimen, and the calculation of CLR, CTR, and CSR values, we can help.

Application of Acceptance Criteria

The application of acceptance criteria is determined through an agreement between the equipment user and the manufacturer. This question pertains to NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-2 Clause 8.

Contact OGC Energy today to learn more about our HIC resistance testing and corrosion consultations.

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