In NACE MR0175, is UNS S41425 sulfur resistant in Table A.18?

S41425 NACE Material Grade: Confirmation of Correctness


If you’re using martensitic stainless steels for any equipment or components, you need to be aware of the sulfur resistance of the material grade S41425. This inquiry seeks to confirm the correctness of the designation “”No”” for material grade S41425 listed as not being sulfur resistant in Table A.18 of ANSI/NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-3:2015(E).

Confirmation of Correctness

The response confirms that the designation “”No”” for material grade S41425 not being sulfur resistant in Table A.18 is accurate and not a misprint. This question pertains to NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-3 A.6.2 Table A.18 and refers to ISO 15156 Maintenance Panel Inquiry #2016-13.


It’s important to ensure that you’re using the correct material grade for your equipment or components. By confirming the correctness of the designation “”No”” for material grade S41425, you can ensure that your equipment or components are sulfur resistant and meet the necessary standards.

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