In NACE MR0175, are tubulars with SMYS below 52ksi exempt of hardness testing?

Interpreting A.2.1.4 in NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-2


This page addresses a common question regarding the interpretation of A.2.1.4 in NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-2. The question asks if all hardness testing associated with tubular products with an SMYS not exceeding 52ksi in the as-welded condition can be waived if agreed by the equipment user.

Answering the Question

The answer is that only hardness testing of welding procedures may be waived for these products if agreed upon by the equipment user. This means that all other hardness testing associated with tubular products must still be performed, even if the SMYS does not exceed 52ksi in the as-welded condition.


This answer is based on ISO 15156 Maintenance Panel Inquiry #2006-01Q1, which provides further clarification on this topic.


In conclusion, it’s important to understand that not all hardness testing can be waived for tubular products with an SMYS not exceeding 52ksi in the as-welded condition. If you have any further questions or concerns, please refer to the ISO 15156 standard or consult with a qualified expert in this field.

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