AMPP 21532 Guide – Materials Selection Philosophy

The next step in the AMPP Guide 21532 is to determine the appropriate material of construction for each section of the CO₂ pipeline. As identified as part of the failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) different spans of equipment will have different requirements where materials are concerned and this should be captured in the material selection philosophy. Guidance is given in the AMPP Guide 21532 for a generic CO₂ transport and injection project, and this will serve as a good starting point for most projects.

In AMPP 21532, a good materials philosophy should aim to communicate the reasoning behind each decision as defined earlier in the project. This is no different to other energy projects. Robust reference to standards documents and fabrication methodologies will ensure the project runs to the intent of the materials philosophy. The engineering needs of the project are not likely to be the only limiting factors when it comes to materials selection, however.

Financial restrictions may limit the feasibility of exotic material use, requiring the project to re-assess the mitigating actions and presence of risk, this is outside the scope of AMPP 21532 however at OGC Energy we recognise its importance.

Managing the complex needs of the stakeholders and the engineering requirements can be a difficult task which calls for expert oversight. Within OGC Energy’s work on the Porthos project, the increased cost of utilising corrosion resistant alloys along the transport line were such that if the project was unable to use a majority of carbon steel pipelines, the project would be unable to continue.

In an effort to reduce the environmental impact, and to reduce capital costs, several projects are also re-using existing pipes installed for previous hydrocarbon service. This can bring extra limitations to the materials selection philosophy and require careful management of the risks within the system. The AMPP guide does not give specific guidance for repurposing hydrocarbon lines though guidance does exist in other industry recommended practice. Projects may also reuse existing carbon steel lines while running in an early gas injection phase before installing new pipelines for higher pressure dense phase injection. Understanding the multiple scenarios as necessary requires experience in fitness assessments, in-line inspection, and an understanding of the unique failure mechanisms to CCUS.

Trust OGC Energy to provide comprehensive support and guidance for your CO₂ pipeline material selection needs. Learn more about our unparalleled expertise in materials selection for CCS projects and how we can assist you in implementing a robust material selection philosophy in line with AMPP Guide 21532.

Contact us at to learn more – Ask your questions to Mark McLeod and the OGC Energy team.

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